Rituals, as stating before, are spells created in a ceremony format. This makes them very beginner friendly spells to learn while you are learning how casting feels like.
These are the steps to a ritual. You will need to know these in order to make sure that your ritual procedes without being tainted.
Cleansing is the process of making sure there are no magical energy/psychic influences that disrupt your ritual by cleansing yourself, the materials, and the space beforehand. Here are some of the methods for cleansing.
Salt has been used as a cleansing agent since the dawn of time. Sprinkle it over what you want cleaned, then wait for a few minutes. After waiting, sweep it away while visualizing the old energy also being swept away.
Meditation is excellent both for clearing your mind to focus on the ritual so that you are not distracted. It can also imprint a space with your energy and make it more responsive to you. Visualize a ring of energy around yourself spreading out and clearing out what was there before.
Incense has been used to dedicate a space in multiple religions from time immemorial. This method requires a little more knowledge of what different incenses mean, in order to choose one that will complement the ritual, not disrupt it.
Sage is a very powerful herb, and when it is used for cleansing, it wipes away all traces of magical and psychic energy, including helpful and necessary traces. Any type of sage can be used, so unless it is gifted, avoid white sage, which is endangered.
Note: You may see mentions of "smudging" as a form of cleansing by burning bundles of sage. This is inaccurate, "smudging" is a very particular ritual done by Native American religious leaders. You can use burning bundles of sage for cleansing, it just isn't smudging.
Creating a Boundary
Creating a boundary is a way of seperating the space of the ritual from the outside. This prevents outside forces from affecting the ritual, and is thus very important. Most boundaries are circles of some kind. Make sure that there are no holes in the boundary.
Creating a circle of salt is an easy way to create a boundary using salt's natural protective properties. Make sure that wind or human activity cannot sweep it away while you are doing the ritual, and make sure that you clean it up properly at the end.
Like with meditation, imagine a circle of energy in place around you. You might find it helpful to call out the four directions as a way to anchor the circle of energy. This is a little bit less reliable than a solid barrier, and a powerful enough force can push it out of the way.
Unlike salt, chalk has no inherent magical energy and thus must be infused before the ritual for it to work. That being said, once it is infused with energy it is incredibly easy to draw with and clean up.
Sealing the Ritual
When the ritual is finished, visualize all excess energy being focused into the spell being crafted. Once the spell is solidly complete, break the boundary and allow anything left over to dissipate.
Bottle spells are spells sealed and contained within a bottle. They are very easy for beginners and are fun to make.
Witch Bottle
A Witch Bottle is a small form of protection against hexes and malicious energy, by taking the place of the person being hexed.
Attract Money Bottle
A bottle spell designed to attract monetary fortune to the practicioner that creates it.
Knot spells are spells made with rope and thread, or ribbon if you are feeling fancy. They normally don't require the full grounding and cleansings of a ritual but the ones mentioned here do.
Cord Cutting Ritual
Somewhat of the opposite of a normal knot spell, which ties things together, this spell focuses on breaking people apart and cutting the connection between two people. Typically done after breakups or to remove a toxic person from your life.
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Disclaimer: This is a fake website designed for the fanfiction "All the Queens Men". While it is based on real world occultism practices, it is not accurate and should not be used to actually learn occultism.
Background image by Ivan Bandura